How AI Helps to Prevent Food Waste

The food and beverage industry has undergone a significant transformation in response to changing consumer demands. Consumers now expect fast, affordable, and easily accessible food options, leading to a surge in innovative startups and tech collaborations. In this dynamic market environment, companies must adopt cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) solutions to stay relevant, manage waste, and scale-up operations. Food waste is a significant concern in the industry, with nearly 30-40% of food waste being eliminated at the retail and consumer levels, equating to USD 161 billion worth of food in 2010. Transportation, storage, and […]

The Power of AI in Food Science

AI is transforming the food industry, enhancing food security, safety practices, product innovation, and personalization. In this article, we’ll delve into the specific areas where AI and food science are making an impact and the benefits they bring. How AI and Technology are Revolutionizing the Food Industry Food security is a growing concern across the globe, with an estimated 821 million people suffering from hunger in 2018. However, experts believe that the adoption of new technology and innovative solutions can help tackle this issue and achieve the Zero Hunger Target by 2030. The Challenge of Food Security The food industry […]

Lidar Robotics

LiDAR technology has been rapidly evolving and is now increasingly affordable, providing new opportunities for its use in various applications. One of the key applications where LiDAR is making a significant impact is in robotics and autonomous vehicles. In this article, we will explore how LiDAR is revolutionizing these fields and its potential for the future. What is LiDAR? LiDAR is a remote sensing technology that stands for Light Detection And Ranging. It uses lasers to measure distance by emitting short pulses of laser light and then measuring the time it takes for the light to bounce back off an […]

Artificial Intelligence in Waste Management

In today’s tech-driven world, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in various industries has become crucial. Waste management is no exception. The integration of AI in waste management has paved the way for a more efficient and sustainable future. Understanding Waste Production and Consumption Patterns AI plays a critical role in understanding the patterns of waste production and consumption. This data allows waste management companies to develop better plans for managing waste. By analyzing when and where people are throwing away trash, waste management trucks can be optimized to pick up garbage at the most opportune times and places. Identifying […]

Generating the policy of tomorrow

Hundreds of participants from around the world joined the sixth annual MIT Policy Hackathon to develop data-informed policy solutions to challenges in health, housing, and more.

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