Introducing structured randomization into decisions based on machine-learning model predictions can address inherent uncertainties while maintaining efficiency.
Category: Machine learning
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Looking for a specific action in a video? This AI-based method can find it for you
A new approach could streamline virtual training processes or aid clinicians in reviewing diagnostic videos.
An AI dataset carves new paths to tornado detection
TorNet, a public artificial intelligence dataset, could help models reveal when and why tornadoes form, improving forecasters’ ability to issue warnings.
3 Questions: Enhancing last-mile logistics with machine learning
MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics Director Matthias Winkenbach uses AI to make vehicle routing more efficient and adaptable for unexpected events.
AI generates high-quality images 30 times faster in a single step
Novel method makes tools like Stable Diffusion and DALL-E-3 faster by simplifying the image-generating process to a single step while maintaining or enhancing image quality.
Using generative AI to improve software testing
MIT spinout DataCebo helps companies bolster their datasets by creating synthetic data that mimic the real thing.
Startup accelerates progress toward light-speed computing
Lightmatter, founded by three MIT alumni, is using photonic technologies to reinvent how chips communicate and calculate.
New model identifies drugs that shouldn’t be taken together
Using a machine-learning algorithm, researchers can predict interactions that could interfere with a drug’s effectiveness.
This tiny, tamper-proof ID tag can authenticate almost anything
MIT engineers developed a tag that can reveal with near-perfect accuracy whether an item is real or fake. The key is in the glue on the back of the tag.
How symmetry can come to the aid of machine learning
Exploiting the symmetry within datasets, MIT researchers show, can decrease the amount of data needed for training neural networks.